Check out NYC Business Solutions Centers’ September online business courses!
First Steps to Starting a Business
The goal of this course is to help you understand what it means to be a successful entrepreneur in New York City by learning about core competencies and creating an action plan to define and validate your business expectations.
Building an Operational Plan
The goal of this course is to help you translate your business concept into an efficient operation that continuously improves and raises your bottom line.
Creating a Business Idea That Works
The goal of this course is to guide you through an action plan that analyzes your customers, industry, and competitors.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This course will teach you the latest tools and practices in search engine optimization (SEO). You will be able to define the top 9 factors that search engines use to rank websites, evaluate your website’s strengths and weaknesses, and raise your website’s ranking.
Desarollando una estrategia de mercadeo
El objetivo de este curso es ayudar a los empresarios en cualquier etapa a desarrollar una estrategia de marketing fundamental que informará cada táctica de marketing que utilicen.
Creating Content Your Costumers Value
Building loyalty with customers also requires creating marketing content that is helpful, relevant, and engaging. This course helps entrepreneurs at any stage define what content will build that loyalty with their customers.
Sell Online with E-commerce Tools
Learn how to sell your products online using tools including, Google My Business and Merchant Center, Shopify, Local Opportunity Finder and Grow My Store.
Reach Customers Online with Google
This workshop explains how Google Search works and how you can improve a website’s visibility with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The session also introduces products like Google My Business, Google Trends, Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and more.
How can Content Creation Grow Your Business?
This course will educate you on the importance of content creation and how you can utilize this tool to help grow revenue your business.
Building your own Business Website
This course teaches the key types and components of effective marketing emails. You will learn how to identify and create clear content, grow your email list, and execute your email marketing plan.
Business Finances 1: Getting Started
The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of basic business
financial terms, define common business expenses, and calculate gross margins, breakeven points, and profit goals.
Finanzas Empresariales 1
Durante este curso, usted desarrollará un entendimiento de los términos financieros básicos, definirá sus gastos comunes y calculará puntos de equilibrio y objetivos de ganancias.
Financing for Your Business
This webinar will teach you about financing products, lenders, and financing application
Access Funding for your Childcare Business
Join this workshop to learn about the qualifications needed to apply for the Childcare/Daycare FastTrack Business loan.
Sobre Neighborhood Trust Y El Taller de Credito
Innovamos para crear productos, servicios y beneficios financieros para trabajadores de bajo y medio ingresos. Como parte de nuestros servicios, ofrecemos un taller sobre la importancia del crédito y los reportes de crédito.
Financiación de Pequeñas Empresas
En este seminario usted aprenderá las cinco vias para acceder financiamiento, revisará la documentación requerida para acceder financiación y aprenderá sobre las opciones claves de financiación.
Applying for Loans and Grants
Join this webinar to learn about tips to consider before taking on debt, an overview of documents required to apply for a loan, and a summary of other loans and grants that are currently available for NYC businesses.
Aplicando para préstamos y subvencicones
Estaremos compartiendo consejos para considerar antes de endeudarse, una descripción general de los documentos comúnmente requeridos para solicitar un préstamo y un resumen de otros préstamos y subvenciones que actualmente están disponibles para las empresas de Nueva York.
QuickBooks Online
This six-hour, hands-on course will teach you about basic accounting terms and processes, how to read and use financial statements, the importance of bookkeeping to run your business, and important methods and principles of bookkeeping.
Finanzas Empresariales 2
El objetivo de este curso es proporcionarle la información y las herramientas para crear su propio plan de rentabilidad incluyendo como desarollar un presupuesto, aplicar métodos basados en investigaciónes, y como trabajar con un estado de ingresos para identificar puntos de equilibrio y rentabilidad.
Business Finances 2: Planning for Profitability
The goal of this course is to provide you the information and tools to create your own profitability plan, such as developing a startup/growth budget, applying research-based methods to project your prices and number of sales, and identifying breakeven and profitability points.
Meet the Lender: Accompany Capital
Accompany Capital provides access to affordable capital to immigrant and refugee entrepreneurs who are starting or growing a business. In this workshop, you will learn about different loan products and what it takes to obtain a loan.
How to Select the Legal Structure of Your Business
This webinar includes an in-depth discussion about the available legal structure options for your small businesses in New York State, including proprietorship, partnership, “c” or “s” corporation, and the limited liability company (LLC).
Cómo seleccionar la estructura legal de su negocio
Este taller incluye una discusión en profundidad sobre las estructuras legales disponibles para su negocio en el estado de Nueva York, como propiedad única, sociedad, corporación “c” o “s” y la compañía de responsabilidad limitada (LLC).
Intellectual Property 101
Intellectual property refers to the legal rights of ideas, including trademarks, copyrights, patents and trade secrets. This webinar will provide an overview of key concepts in intellectual property law, with an emphasis on trademarks.