Reminder: In Person – Power Networking Lunch: Wednesday, 12:00 Noon, August 21st

Join Us and Grow Your Business!

“In Person” Power Networking Lunch “Navigating Your Cash Flow” 

Meet a Senior Business Consultant for: Cash Flow basics….Maximizing Cash in….Minimizing Cash out….Make Cash work for you

 Much more…… 

Wednesday, August 21st12:00 Noon – 1:30 pm

 hosted & presented by:    

at Greater New York Chamber – Business Center 20 W. 44th Street – 4th floor(between 5th & 6th)

New York City Members $15.00  Non-Members $20.00 

Must RSVP (no walk-ins)

 Light lunch will be served 

Click Here to RSVP 

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