Boost your brand with free media!


How to Leverage Earned Media Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 11am to 12:30pm Eastern Time

 Attend the live webinar to participate in our Q&A. 

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Can’t make it to the webinar? Register anyway and we’ll send you the recording. 

Spread the Word Without Spending Money Using earned media boosts your presence and builds trust In your business. During this session, a successful entrepreneur will show you how to build relationships with online/ traditional content creators, influencers, prospects and customers. Join us to add perceived value to your brand and help increase your sales!

earned media image 
After this webinar, you will have the knowledge and resources to:
 1.  Define earned media;
2. Create a pitch, using a pitch framework;
 3. Describe how to find topics covered by journalists/influencers and how to align your stories to those topics;
4. Outline how to create a good story and be a good storyteller ;
5. Identify common mistakes to avoid.
 Allison Dunn headshot Presenter: Allison Dunn 
Entrepreneur, café owner, speaker and author.


SCORE is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.   FacebookTwitterYoutubeLinkedin       
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