DIY Funding – 2/12 @1pm

 DIY FundingWednesday, February 12th, 1 pm ET FREE WEBINARxxx
DIY Funding is a great way to start, grow, or pivot your business. Many businesses thrive without any outside money. Your business and customers may be the source of funding you need or the basis to help loans or investments go further. This webinar will discuss how to jumpstart your product or service with minimal outside investment and generate the revenues you need to cover costs. During this webinar, we’ll cover: ·     Organizing your plan into stages to reduce costs and improve odds of success.·     Calculating the spending necessary to meet your goals.·     Evaluating options to jump-start revenues and business growth.·     Determining strategies to fund your plan without outside money.
Can’t Make the Live Session? Don’t worry, everyone who registers will receive the slides and recording the day after the webinar.
Register Now
 Presenter:Carolyn Katz Carolyn has worked as a lender, investment banker, venture capital investor, has started her own company and has advised companies from concept-stage startups to multinationals on strategies to grow profitably and finance their growth. 
 SCORE is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.